Grande Traversée du Jura


Carte Terra Salina


The “Grande Traversée du Jura” runs through the Jura mountains from the North to the South, from the Montbéliard area in the department of the Doubs, to Bugey in the Ain region, passing through the Jura and cutting across the “Haut Jura” Regional Natural Park. The path connects the Franche-Comté with the Rhône-Alpes region and since it sometimes brushes against the Swiss border, also allows for visits to our Eastern neighbours here.

The “Grandes Traversées du Jura” consists of 6 itineraries and are suited for 6 different types of activities: cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing in winter and hiking, mountain-biking, horse-riding and cycling in summer.

But travelling on the GTJ also means discovering the reality of how people live and work in the Jura mountains. The numerous tourist sites on or nearby the hiking track make it easy to combine your walk with culture, crafts (especially wood-craft), gastronomy and heritage (museums, farms, churches, etc.).

Lac des Mortes
Lac des Mortes
Lac des Mortes
Lac des mortes

Come take a moment together with the inhabitants of the Jura mountains. They will be happy to share their know-how and way-of-life with those passing through. The GJT network now has over 150 accommodation venues ready to provide a good-quality welcome and enjoyable moments during your trip on the “Grandes Traversées du Jura”.

The itineraries of the Grandes Traversées du Jura are perfect for go-as-you-like tourism, both in summer and in winter. Its tracks run high on the mountain ridges or down in the valleys, through forests or along lake-sides, roaming from village to village. The variety of the routes running through this authentic and well-preserved landscape is an open invitation to discover the unspoiled and soothing aspects of the magnificent Jura countryside.

Some key figures:
> 6 itineraries, 6 activities
> Almost 2 000 km of GTJ tracks running through 253 municipalities
> A network of over 150 accommodation venues all along the route